Buyers typically find a house to view for sale, from going to an open house or making an appointment with me to see one. No matter how a Buyer comes to view a home, the Seller knows ahead time that a Buyer is going to be touring their home with possibly little notice. I explain to my Sellers that once we actively market their house – it’s Showtime! Your audience can arrive any minute, so your house always has to be in show ready condition. After all, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
So what turns Buyers on when they see a home? Like anything else in life – it’s the little things that really get their attention.
Top 10 Buyer Turn-ons
1- a clean house with freshly vacuumed carpet
2- an edged lawn
3- live plants in outdoor and indoor pots
4- an organized pantry
5- clothing and linen closets in color order
6- a set dining room table
7- clutter free kitchen counters (it makes them look bigger)
8- a quiet house
9- a pleasant scent
10- set beds
Some of these sound silly – I know. Yes, many of them have absolutely nothing to do with the house itself. Like I mentioned earlier, it’s the little things that Buyer’s read into. Buyers develop an over all impression of the condition of the house based on the attention to detail Sellers pay to the little things.