Austin Real Estate News l January Home Sales jump 23.9%

Austin Home SalesAUSTIN, Texas – Austin-Round Rock MSA home sales jumped 23.9% to 2,523 sales in January, according to the latest Central Texas Housing Market Report by the Austin Board of REALTORS® (ABoR).

Austin continues to turn heads with its newsworthy headlines showing the upward trend in prices and the continuous downward trend in inventory.

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Austin Housing Market Froze in the Snowpocalypse

The Austin Housing Market sat frozen with much of Central Texas last week, as the city sat with no power, no water, and no clear end in sight.  If you’ve never heard my accent before, you may not be aware that I am originally from the Northeast coast. Growing up on the border of New York and New Jersey, I am used to snow. I am used to several feet of snow, having to wait for a plow to come through my street and then through my driveway just to be able to go to work. Yes, we drive in the snow on the east coast, it happens too frequently not to. There is a difference between driving in snow and ice though, and certainly a difference in having a 4WD vehicle.  Continue reading

Austin Real Estate Continues to Outpace Itself

Austin Round Rock December 2020 Real Estate Housing statisticsThe Austin real estate market continues to outpace itself.  The Austin-Round Rock Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) closed 2020 by continuing to break records as housing market demand across Central Texas reached historic levels.  Austin real estate market activity, according to the December 2020 and Year-End Central Texas Housing Market Report released by the Austin Board of REALTORS® (ABoR), a record-breaking 40,165 homes totaling $17,579,802,503 in sales volume were sold across the Austin area last year. Continue reading

Make a New Home List and Check it Twice

The holiday season is all about lists. We make them, check them twice, and then because it is 2020, we throw them away and start new ones. Austin made Santa proud this year by making Wallethub’s Best Cities for Christmas list. If we have learned anything this year, it is to be more adaptable. We all think we are flexible and able to bend, but that was challenged this year (and I don’t mean with yoga). Life truly can change at any moment. For introverts and fans of dystopian drama, like me, adapting to staying indoors away from the social scene has been relatively easy. I think I was more prepared for zombies, but I feel like we leaned a little closer to the Hunger Games. Continue reading

Homes in Austin basically out of stock

Finding a  single-family home, condo, or townhouse to buy in Austin right now is kind of like looking for toilet paper at your local grocery store.  According to the November Central Texas Housing Report released by the Austin Board of Realtors®, the Austin-Round Rock Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) posted a record-breaking month of sales this November.  Austin – RoundRock MSA home sales jumped 23.8% year over year to 3,397 sales, indicating no sign of slowing down heading into 2021.

Understand, houses are entering the market, new listings increased 5.7% to 2,762 listings, but active listings dropped 55.2% to 2,842 listings and pending sales increased 23.9% to 3,269 pending sales. Homes for sale in Austin are getting scooped and purchased up as soon as they hit the market due to the number of buyers out there. 

For the first time ever, housing inventory dipped below one month across the five-county MSA, falling from 1.2 months year over year to 0.9 months of inventory. Continue reading

A holiday season like never before

Like most of the world, Austin is preparing to celebrate the holidays like never before. For some, that means drive-thru events and virtual get-togethers. For others, it is beginning to look a lot like an early Christmas as trees are already coming out of storage and being decorated, It’s “Festivus for the rest of us”, as the late great Jerry Stiller gifted us in that memorable Seinfeld episode. That grievance pole is certainly coming out this year for sure, as everyone has a bone to pick with the year 2020. Continue reading