The procrastinators for home buyer credit are starting to appear and for some, it is a rude awakening on how the world works now. In order to qualify for an FHA loan, you need a minimum credit score of 620. Sometimes, raising your credit score can be a simple fix – and sometimes it can’t. Believe it or not, most of my clients don’t even know their credit score until they are ready to shop for a house. If there is a problem with your credit – you really need to know before, shopping for a house.
I had one client last week who found her dream home and now can’t buy it because she won’t qualify for a loan. Fortunately, she can raise her score by paying down some debt. Her changes though, won’t be reflected for 30 days. So, we really need to wait. The house that she wanted is now under contract, because like I’ve said before, her dream house appeared in someone else’s dream. I told her what I tell everyone. When it’s meant to be – it will be.
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