We have entered spooky season, and the housing market is no exception. I’m not going to candy coat this. As a whole, the Austin real estate market may seem like it’s moving at the speed of winter, but change may be in the air. Remember, markets are local, subject to change without notice and often do.
The Austin housing market may be moving faster or slower than other markets nationwide on any given day. Even within Austin, or any other city, on a micro level certain locations may be hotter than others.
Home Selling Advice in today’s housing market
How can a home sparkle a little more and be more buyer friendly? Home sellers today need to meet the market where it is. It’s not enough to just be for sale. Homes need to be on sale.
Home Selling Tips
Close your eyes and pretend you are 10 years old on Halloween.
You are headed to the house everyone goes out of their way for because they give out the full-sized candy bars. Why? There’s value there. That’s the home you want to be if you are selling today.
Real Estate advice
Is it a trick or a treat? You don’t want to over sell and under deliver. Real estate today is high on inventory and low on affordability. This isn’t a market for sellers to test, because it will wind up testing them. If you can’t be the house with the golden ticket, leave some gold for the buyers to shine it up.